Many people are unaware of the differences between Alligators and Crocodiles.
In this Section we will provide you the 10 Main Differences Between Alligators and Crocodile - these two massive and terrifying water dwelling lizards.
1. Scientific Classification
The term crocodile refers to any species belonging to the Crocodilia order, However true crocodiles belong to the crocodile in a subfamily.
Other families in the order Crocodilia include Alligatoidae and Gavialidae.
Alligators belong to the Alligatoridae family. Consequently they are only a family within the broader group of crocodiles since this latter term can define a grouping of different species.
In other words Alligators can be called crocodiles but not all Crocodiles are Alligators.
If you compare the specimens that belong to the alligator at a family with other species and families within the crocodilia order you can notice significant differences.
2. Behavior
Alligators while definitely still dangerous are relatively timid compared to Crocodiles.
An alligator will generally try to escape if approached by humans usually headed for the nearest water.
The only time that wild alligators will attack humans is if they unexpectedly are disturbed provoked or are trying to defend their young or also perhaps starving.
Alligators are instinctively afraid of humans but can lose some of their fear with regular human contact except in controlled conditions.
Feeding them is almost always a bad idea as they will lose some of their fear and see humans as a source of food. They can also mistake small children and pets such as dogs for prey.
Crocodiles on the other hand are much more bad-tempered and far more likely to attack humans even unprovoked.
Australian saltwater crocodiles are generally considered one of the most dangerous in the world followed by Nile crocodiles.
American crocodiles on the other hand are one of the more timid types that you will find and rarely attack humans.
In the US you are more likely to be attacked by an alligator than a crocodile, although attacks by either are extremely rare.
3. Speed
On land and in water Crocodiles are usually slower than Alligators. A crocodile can reach speeds of up to 7 miles per hour. When crocodiles swim that can only reach 9 miles per hour
Alligator can reach speeds of up to 11 miles per hour. Alligators on the other hand can reach up to 20 miles per hour.
4. Color
Crocodile hides tend to be more of a light tan or olive color whereas.
5. Size - Which one is Bigger Alligator or Crocodile
A full-grown crocodile will likely be several feet longer than an adult alligator
An adult crocodile can grow up to roughly 19 feet long. The largest crocodile species is the saltwater crocodile which can get up to at least 17 or 18 feet long and some rare individuals exceed 20 feet after many years.
The African dwarf crocodile in contrast doesn't grow larger than 44 or 4 feet only.
6. Teeth
Crocodiles can't hide their teeth but alligators teeth are sometimes hidden when their mouths are closed.
When their mouths are closed the snouts of an alligator and crocodile are easy to tell apart as the alligator will have none of its bottom teeth visible.
Whereas the crocodiles lower teeth are always visible. Crocodiles often have many visible teeth sticking out of their lips giving them a very jagged looking smile but since an alligators upper jaw is wider than it is lower it can hide all of its teeth when its mouth is closed.
7. Habitat
Crocodiles prefer water that is more saline or salty. Crocodiles have special glands in their tongues which excrete excessive salt from their bodies. They are capable of spending days or even weeks at sea.
This difference explains why crocodiles have managed to spread across the islands of the Caribbean.
8. Location
Alligators live only in the Southeastern US and Eastern China. If you're in the US then you are far more likely to an encounter an Alligator.
Alligators can be found all across Florida and Louisiana as well as in parts of Georgia Alabama Mississippi North and South Carolina Texas Oklahoma and Arkansas.
There are over 3 million alligators in US.
Crocodiles can be found across the world in Africa, Australia, Southeast Asia, North America, South America, and Central America.
There is an American crocodile species that only live in the southernmost tip of Florida.
There are only 2000 crocodiles in US.
8. Snout - Main Difference between Alligators and Crocodile
One of the main differences between alligators and crocodiles is the Snout.
Whereas the crocodiles is longer and narrower and more of a v-shaped.
The crocodile snout is more suited to hunting general prey including fish reptiles and mammals.
8. Bones
Researchers from Japan have identified what they believe to be another feature that sets the two reptiles apart.
Alligators tend to have shorter humerus bones and therefore limbs and shorter femurs in their hind limbs than crocodiles.
Masaya Ashima a vertebrae paleontologist from Hokkaido University in Japan and lead author on the study measured more than a hundred and twenty alligator and crocodile skeletons from nearly a dozen museums around the world.
Then he analyzed the results using a statistical model the specimens mostly belonged to extinct crocodilians which is the supergroup that encompasses both Alligators and Crocodile well as Caymans and Gargoyles.
The differences are small and not something you can easily spot in the wild but the findings may provide insights in ways in which the two reptiles move helping us distinguish between the two.
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