What is the Difference between White Eggs and Brown Eggs? | White Eggs Vs Brown Eggs - Ask Difference between anything



Wednesday, April 28, 2021

What is the Difference between White Eggs and Brown Eggs? | White Eggs Vs Brown Eggs

White Eggs Vs Brown Eggs

Eggs are among one of the most popular source of animal protein and one of the cheapest source as well. You can find them anywhere from Europe to North America from Asia to South America and interestingly if you go in the market you can see eggs of different colors, Brown, White, etc.

Many people may think that Brown Eggs are more nutritious and tastier than White Eggs, but that's not true.

In this section will clear all doubt about White and Brown Eggs. Similarities and Difference among White Eggs and Brown eggs.

Eggs Production

Who produces White and Brown Eggs?

Many of you may think that it is brown hens which produce brown eggs but that is not true.

The color of the egg is in fact determined by the earlobe of the chickens. If the chickens have white

Brown and White Hen Earlobs

earlobes then they produce white eggs
and if they have the earlobes which are other than white color then they produce brown eggs or some other colored eggs. 

Coincidentally many white hens have white earlobes that's why it is common that more of the white ends produce more white eggs but it is not because of the white hence it is because of the white earlobes.

Difference between Nutrional Value of Eggs

Regarding nutritional value you may think that brown eggs are more nutritious than white eggs which is absolutely not true.

The nutritious value of eggs are determined by what chicken is eating and what goes in their food. So basically what goes in their food goes directly into their their eggs.

For example: If the chickens are fed more omega-3 fatty acid then that omega-3 fatty acid goes into the eggs and the eggs are reaching reaching omega-3 fatty acid.

If the chickens are going out in the sunshine they get more vitamin d and that vitamin D goes to eggs and eggs become rich in vitamin D.

It is not brown or white eggs which makes it more nutritious it is in fact what chickens eat and how they are raised . So in terms of nutrition there is absolutely no difference. 

Difference in Taste of White and Brown Eggs

Regarding taste again there is absolutely no difference and the taste of brown and white eggs is determined by what chickens are eating.

The freshness of eggs and also how you are going to cook your eggs.

Difference in the Weight of White and Brown Eggs

Regarding weight brown eggs are in general heavier than white eggs. It is because they are slightly bigger in the size.

In the past it was very common but nowadays they are getting more and more similar and in the past what used to happen was brown hence used to eat more lay heavier but less eggs that means they were less efficient than their white counterparts but now as there is so much development in the breeding breeding companies uh they are trying to make it more simpler and they are becoming more and more same nowadays.

In the future it might be that there is absolutely zero difference in terms of weight and size of brown and white eggs.

Egg Shell Thickness

Regarding Egg shell thickness some studies have mentioned that brown eggs have thicker egg shell than white eggs although eggshell thickness is determined by feed, age etc.

If the diet is more in rich in calcium that also affects the thickness of the cell and also the age and maturity of chicken also affects the thickness of the egg.

It may not be actually brown or white eggs it may be dependent on feed and age and maturity of the chicken as well.

There is minimal difference in terms of egg shell thickness but the important thing is that if the eggshell thickness is better then that may helps producer during transportation and handling because the chance of breakage is less for thicker egg shell.

York Color Difference of White and Brown Eggs

Eggs Yolk Color Difference

Regarding your color many of you may think that brown eggs have dark yellow or orange yolk which is absolutely not true because egg yolk color is determined by what chickens are eating.

For example if they are eating grains or green leaves there yolk become dark yellow to orange and which may make it better looking. However it is not determined by the color of egg at all.

So if the chickens which lay white eggs are eating green leaves or are several pigmented food then they may lay the egg with yolk which are really dark as well.

Difference in Cost of Brown Egg and White Egg

Regarding cost in general brown eggs are more expensive than white eggs but it does not have to do something with quality or some other parameters.

BrownEggs are more similar to free range and specialty eggs they are tend to be more expensive. Also it may have to do something with the production cost of of brown eggs.

White Eggs are typically less expensive and often come from Cafo chickens that live in overcrowded unsanitary conditions and are fed genetically modified corn and soybeans.

Are Brown Eggs Better or Healthier than White Eggs?

The answer is NO, there's no difference. The reason why an egg is a certain color whether it's blue or whatever is because of the type of chicken as discussed above.

and the reason why it's a little more expensive than have brown eggs is simply because that chicken is a little bit bigger and they have to feed the chicken more.

What do you base the health of that egg on?

Pasturaised and Organic Eggs

  • Pasture-Raised 
  • Vegetarians and Fed 
  • Organic 
  • Definitely go for organic and pasture-raised eggs.

When you consume pasture-raised organic eggs you're going to notice that the yolk is dark orange vss pale yellow and that is simply because of the carotenoids the phytonutrients in that egg as it's loaded with lutein and zeaxanthin Acula degeneration and cataracts and it also helps your brain as well.

If the yolk breaks easily or you actually open the egg and it's already broken it just means that that egg is older.

Also Read: Difference between Bourbon and Whiskey

Yolk Explained

Majority of nutrients are in the yolk loaded with:

Choline - which is really good to prevent a fatty liver good for neurotransmitters good for your brain. 

Selenium - which is really important in detoxification.

Biotin - helping your nails, your hair be strong. It provides a really good source of vitamin A, D, E, K2. These are the fat soluble vitamins this is involved in vision bone health heart health calcium metabolism preventing arthritis stiffness things like that has.


Phosphorus - which by the way we need a lot of this nutrient right here and omega-3 fatty.

Eggs don't increase your cholesterol I'll put a link down below for those of you that still have that idea because it's not true

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