What is the Difference between Pfizer and Moderna Vaccine | Pfizer Vs Moderna - Ask Difference between anything



Thursday, April 29, 2021

What is the Difference between Pfizer and Moderna Vaccine | Pfizer Vs Moderna

  Difference between Pfizer and Moderna Vaccine

The good news is that the moderna and pfizer mrna vaccines are very similar and that they're both effective and safe. 

Both of the authorized vaccines that are currently available are the pfizer biontec Vaccine and the Moderna Vaccine are both what are known as mrna vaccines messenger RNA.

They both have almost an identical structure and very similar mechanism.

Key Difference between the Covid Vaccines

Much of their Pfizer Moderna differences are just in how they're administered and how they're stored. 

1. The pfizer vaccine needs much colder storage (around 90 degrees cencius) than the moderna vaccine which required only room refrizrator. 

2. The pfizer is given 2 doses in 3 week interval where as Moderna Vaccine is given two doses at the four-week interval.

3. The efficacy of the pfizer vaccine is 95% and the moderna vaccine is at 94.5%.

Other than that they actually are very very similar both in terms of how effective they are as well as what their side effects look like. 

Pros and Cons of Pfizer Vaccine and Moderna Vaccine

Pfizer vaccine ships with larger a larger number of doses and so with that with those added temperature requirements it's likely that more densely populated areas and facilities with those specialized freezers will acquire the pfizer vaccine.

While the Moderna vaccine could be used in less densely populated areas that may not have this ultracoal storage.


So there's really no reason to choose one or the other in terms of any you know allergies that you might have or anything else.

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